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One of the most difficult facets of a Construction Management Software selection project for a sizable construction company is that of picking the right Construction Management Software vendor. Obviously, there are a number of suppliers of Construction Software who would like us to believe their product is the best there is. They go to great lengths to market the strengths of their products, and to disclose the alleged weaknesses of other software vendors' products. Such is the game of the free enterprise business system.

There are some things you can do to help you "separate the wheat from the chaff," as the saying goes. As is true with most major business enhancement endeavors, it is well worth it to do lots of research and homework before actually soliciting software vendors to come in to demonstrate their products and services. If you don't do this, and you end up with a vendor who is full of hot-air promises but cannot deliver, there will be regrets. Likewise, depending how deeply involved and entrenched in the project the hot-air vendor becomes before you realize they are not satisfactory, you could lose a lot of time and money on getting nowhere. Some suggestions to minimize or prevent such risks follow:

1. Do the research! Check with internet resources, listen to other construction company recommendations, see what the Better Business Bureau has to say, and look in financial newspapers, bulletins, etc.

2. Look for red flags! Have any vendors been sued for non-performance or deceptive practices? Has the Construction Management Software package itself been kept up to date with technology and business practices? Has the vendor shown stability in their own business arena with regard to staff turnover, profits, employee treatment and satisfaction, and the like? Has the Construction Management Software vendor been taken over or bought out by others?

3. Look for green flags! Don't forget to look for positive, as well as negative issues about Construction Management Software vendors. Has the vendor been recognized for any profound or meritorious software-related accomplishments? Has the software vendor been cited for Community and Public involvement? Have they been recommended by any of your business colleagues and associates?

4. Sift, sift, sift! Once you've done the research and developed your evaluation matrix to plug in your findings, you can begin to sift all the data so the finest and best Construction Management Software vendors will become readily apparent. After you sift the data once, do it twice; even three times. That way, you will be sure to have eliminated those Construction Management Software vendors who might not be all they are cracked up to be. Let the data speak for itself; try to leave emotions and sentiments out of the equation, since those things tend to add confusion.

5. Insist on the best! Be assertive with your final selection of Construction Management Software vendors with regard to the individuals they will be assigning to work on your software selection and implementation process. Don't forget; you are paying them to give you their best possible product or service. If, at any time during the selection process, you feel the vendor representative is not working out, don't be too hesitant about letting the vendor know that. Again, it's your money!

David Kraft is a freelance author that specializes in the field of construction management software. He writes articles that are aimed at helping construction professionals choose the right software for their business, which is often a difficult decision. Please check out his construction software site for more information

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